The three main MSP's are:
- Qualifying Individual (QI) Program: QI pays the Medicare Part B premium, and reimburses the recipient for premiums paid up to three months before your MSP effective date, and within the same year of that effective date.
Specified Low-income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB): SLMB pays for the Medicare Part B premium, and reimburses for premiums paid up to three months before your MSP effective day. Unlike QI, a recipient may be reimbursed for premiums from the previous calendar year.
Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB): QMB pays for Medicare Parts A and B premiums. A QMB recipient, typically should not be billed for Medicare-covered services provided in a recipient's Medicare Advantage Plan’s network. A QMB recipient should not owe Medicare deductibles, copayments, and coinsurances, from network providers.
There is a fourth MSP called the Qualified Disabled Working Individual (QDWI), which pays for the Medicare Part A premium for certain people who are eligible for Medicare due to disability. Contact your local Medicaid office to learn more.
There are even more benefits to enrolling in an MSP. MSP enrollment:
Allows a recipient to enroll in Part B outside of the regular enrollment periods;
Eliminates the Part B late enrollment penalty if there is one, and;
Automatically enrolls the recipient in Extra Help, the federal program that helps pay Medicare prescription drug (Part D) plan costs
To qualify for an MSP, a beneficiary must have Medicare Part A and meet income and asset guidelines.
If a beneficiary does not have Part A but meets QMB eligibility guidelines, the state may have a process to allow you to enroll in Part A and QMB outside of the General Enrollment Period.
Income and asset guidelines vary by state. Certain income and assets may not count and some states do not count assets at all when assessing MSP eligibility. You can contact your State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) to learn more about MSPs in your state and to receive assistance with the application process.
The MSP program helps many beneficiaries satisfy Medicare costs. Contact your local SHIP to see if you’re eligible for an MSP in your state.
This article is based on a post on Dear Marci, one of the best sources of free Medicare assistance available on the internet. Dear Marci is a "biweekly e-newsletter that helps consumers—people with Medicare, their families and caregivers—understand their Medicare benefits and options." Each issue features Medicare coverage advice, basic health tips and links to vital health care resources. You can subscribe to read and submit questions for thoughtful and helpful answers. Dear Marci is part of, powered by the Medicare Rights Center.