Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Laddering Fixed Annuities for Cash Accumulation

The July issue of Advisor Today introduces a unique cash accumulation strategy that merits close attention: laddering fixed annuities. MassMutual has back tested the strategy against several traditional strategies, and demonstrated its strength.

The strategy is simple. In addition to a portfolio of equities and bonds, simply make an initial purchase of a life-only fixed income annuity, with additional proportional fixed annuity purchases annually. Over a twenty-seven year period, the strategy resulted in a liquid account value of more than seven times the original deposit. This compared to an account value of only five times the original deposit when invested in a traditional equities and bonds only portfolio.

While the common misconception is that the inclusion of a fixed annuity in the mix impairs the liquidity of the portfolio, the performance over the intermediate and long-terms certainly made the short term illiquidity a risk worth taking.

Consequently, a retirement plan may benefit from the use of three asset classes- equities, bonds, and fixed income annuities. Retirees can build more wealth by making incremental annuity purchases with assets transferred from mutual fund accounts, for example.

The strategy also greatly increases the safety of the portfolio. Fixed income annuities are safe. They also are, in many states better protected from creditors. One would think these benefits would only be icing on the cake, given the strategy can outperform a traditional portfolio.

But the real icing on the cake, is building for your clients the opportunity to guarantee a stream of income that your clients cannot outlive. In these years of increasing life expectancies, the real "treat" is ensuring that the client can live the reminder of his or her life without concern whether the money will run out.

In August 2007, in the articles section of the Estate Planning Information Center, I reported about a study, co-sponsored by the Wharton Financial Institutions Center at the University of Pennsylvania and New York Life Insurance Company, identifying lifetime income annuities as the most cost-effective and least risky asset class for generating guaranteed retirement income for life.

The Wharton academic study revealed that:

  • Income annuities can provide secure income for one's entire lifetime for 25-40% less money than it would cost an individual to provide a similar level of secure lifetime income through traditional means, thanks to an insurer's ability to spread risk across large numbers of people;

  • Consumers are not annuitizing enough of their portfolios even though income annuities are low-cost, available from creditworthy insurers, and provide guaranteed payments for life. Equities, fixed income and other investment products like mutual funds carry the risk of outliving one's nest egg;

  • By covering at least basic living expenses with income annuities, consumers have much greater flexibility in other areas of a retirement plan, including the ability to take more investment risk with the remaining portfolio; and
  • Recent innovations in income annuities, such as annual inflation adjustments, legacy benefits and access to capital in emergencies, have helped elevate the products to a desirable asset class in retirement.
The findings are outlined in a paper entitled "Investing Your Lump Sum at Retirement," which is based on an academic study entitled "Rational Decumulation," co-authored by Professor David F. Babbel of The Wharton School and Professor Craig B. Merrill of The Marriott School of Management at Brigham Young University. The study explored financial options for retirees and compared income annuities with other asset classes in retirement.

"Living too long is fast becoming the major financial risk of the 21st century," said Professor Babbel. "Combined with the challenges facing Social Security and the decline of corporate pensions, this adds up to a 'perfect storm' for retirees who might outlive their retirement nest egg."

Only lifetime income annuities can in an efficient way protect from the risk of outliving assets. This simply cannot be duplicated by other types of investments.

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